Churches Together in Poole
Churches Together in Poole
1. Basis of Faith (a version of the Basis of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland)
The Basis of Faith shall be "A Fellowship of churches which confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and who therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
2. Objectives The objectives of Churches Together in Poole are -
a) To draw all local Christian churches in Poole into a greater understanding, visible unity and fellowship, and so to give expression to our common faith within the church of Jesus Christ.
b) To provide a point of reference for the churches of Poole in relation to other churches, bodies and statutory or non-statutory agencies etc.
c) To enable local churches to better engage together in mission and service through prayer, mutual support and encouragement, and the sharing of information and resources.
3. Membership
Membership comprises all churches in Poole who are in agreement with the Basis of Faith and Objectives and who wish to play an active part in furthering these Objectives, together with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), who on principle do not make corporate credal statements but fulfil the requirement for Christian membership.
Organisations in agreement with the Basis of Faith and Objectives are acknowledged and are welcome to take a full and active part as associate members.
4. Method
a) The Objectives are worked out through churches and organisations committing themselves to seeking their furtherance and fulfilment through Poole-wide and Local Area Groups and other partnership and initiatives.
b) At the Poole-wide level there shall be a meeting of Churches Together in Poole at least twice a year (to include the AGM) for networking and information sharing. This is open to all members of churches and organisations which are associate members. Items to be presented or brought for discussion should be notified to the Chair/Facilitator before the meeting. Items not so notified may be presented or brought to the meeting at the discretion of the Chair/Facilitator depending upon time and other factors.
c) Local Areas Groups are free to adopt their own Constitutions or means of working with officers and meetings which are consistent with the objectives of Churches Together in Poole.
d) Other Partnerships and initiatives are encouraged.
5. Annual Meeting
a) An Annual Meeting will take place in the Spring of each calendar year at a time agreed by the Officers in consultation with members and associate members. It will take place within the meeting in clause 4b above. Notice will be given electronically to named representatives at least 14 days before the meeting.
b) The Annual Meeting is open to all individual members of member churches and associate members as defined in clause 3 above though only one member from each member church may vote for the Committee or on other matters
c) The Meeting will receive brief reports and an account, elect the Officers (clause 6a below) and any other persons who need to be appointed to any body or group, and transact any other business as necessary.
d) Churches may bring a Motion to the Annual Meeting by sending it to one of the Officers who will forward to each church and organisation at least 14 days before the meeting.
6. Officers / Facilitators
a) The Officers elected at the Annual Meeting under clause 5c above are that of Chair/Facilitator, Secretary and Treasurer. The County Ecumenical Officer shall be an ex-officio officer. The officers may meet as and when they consider necessary and may invite others to join them for meetings and discussions to further the objectives.
b) The Term of Office will be for a year from the Annual Meeting. Officers may not normally hold office for more than three years consecutively
7. Finance
a) Each church and organisation shall be invited to contribute a small annual donation, agreed at the Annual Meeting, towards the expenses of Churches Together in Poole.
b) All expenditure must be authorised by the Officers. Moneys shall be dealt with through a bank account in the name of Churches Together in Poole, the signatories being at least two of the Officers.
This Constitution, passed at the Annual Meeting on 2nd April 2009, may be amended at subsequent Annual Meetings by a 75% majority.
Details of any proposed amendments shall be sent via the Secretary or other officer to each church in membership at least fourteen days before the next Annual Meeting.